What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a circular symbol with 9 points, each one representing a distinct personality pattern, or "Type". (Ennea means 9 and gram means drawing.) Each type has a distinct way of viewing the world and underlying motivations that powerfully influence the way that Type thinks, feels and behaves.
There are multiple layers and connections between the numbers on the Enneagram that can help to show the interconnections and intricacies of each unique personality.
The Enneagram is different to other personality models in that it looks beyond our behaviours to the motives and patterns beneath these behaviours.
How can the Enneagram Help me?
Each personality Type has its own strengths, weaknesses, fears and desires which motivate those individuals to interpret the world in their own unique way. When we are stressed, or are struggling, we tend to react in ways which can be negative and self-destructive. This impacts our relationships with ourselves and others. The Enneagram is a tool that can help us understand why this is happening. We can then break free from our negative patterns and grow into a healthier and more fulfilled version of ourself: the person we were meant to be.
The Nine Enneagram Types
Type 1 - The Moral Perfectionist
Type 2 - The Supportive Advisor
Type 3 - The Successful Achiever
Type 4 - The Romantic Individualist
Type 5 - The Investigative Thinker
Type 6 - The Loyal Guardian
Type 7 - The Entertaining Optimist
Type 8 - The Protective Challenger
Type 9 - The Peaceful Mediator
*Titles from Your Enneagram Coach